There are 3 parts to this:
1. Complete the Flight - Schedule Template Mapping
2. Complete the Team - Schedule Template Mapping
3. Bulk create the races for the stage
Part i) Allows you to choose which event boats replace which boats in the template and therefore which order they are sailed in the schedule. This can be completed for all stages before the event starts and then would only need to be adjusted if you want to change the boats being used mid-event.
Part ii) Allows you to choose which order your event teams appear in the schedule. If you are moving between stages you can start to complete this before the current stage completes for example when you can predict/verify their rank or position for the next stage. As you link the teams they will start to show on the schedule against temporary race numbers which helps teams know when there next race may happen.
Part iii) can only be completed if all the Flight and Team mappings for that stage are completed - Click Bulk Create Races for Stage, scroll to the bottom of the page and type YES (in capitals) in the box and click Submit - all the races for that stage will be generated and the temporary race numbers removed.
You need to run the Bulk create for each stage independently e.g. if Stage 2 is split into Gold, Silver, Bronze leagues then you need to run for each. This therefore allows you to generate the schedules for one league before the other if results are known.