Reset Locks

Reset Locks

If a user is unable to enter a penalty, result or update a race status and gains an error stating that the race is locked this normally happens where you have multiple users accessing the system working on the same race.
The system will automatically keep retrying to access the edit page and once the lock is released the page will open.

If you are unable to access the page due to the original user closing an edit page or loosing connectivity during an edit it is possible to clear the race lock.
Before clearing any locks, ensure that other users do not have an edit page for the race (including adding penalties or updating the race status) open.
Only users with full event access are able to manage locks
From the Schedule Page (or Stage Admin -> All Races Detail) menu choose Manage Lock on the appropriate race.
The screen will show you which user has the lock currently in place for that race, ensure that you check with that user that they do not have any edit screens including penalty entry open for that race and then click Remove Lock. 
All users can then gain access to the race.

NB it is important that each person using the system has their own account as locks are based on the logged in account, not the logged in device/browser. It is assumed that one person will not have 2 edit windows open for the same race simultaneously as the locking method will not currently prevent this.