Before races are created for a Stage/Group you need to Map (link) the Flights to the Template. This allows you to control how the actual flights are applied to the template.
This must be completed for every Stage/Group before attempting to generate races.
The Flights available are controlled by the Stage Flights selection which can be adjusted through the Update Stage link on the Stage Admin page.
The Mappings can be adjusted until Races are generated but then can't be changed unless races are deleted.
From the Stage Admin page, find the Stage/Group you wish to complete the mappings for and choose Add Flight-Schedule Template Mappings
Choose the Template Flight and the then 'real' Stage Flight of boats, set the Display Order value and Submit. Mappings in place are then shown.
The Display Order allows a customisation of which order (left to right) the Flights will appear on Schedules. For a Stage without any Groups then numbering upwards from 1 is appropriate. If a Stage has Groups, then each Group Stage should use unique numbers. For example Stage 2 Gold would use Order 1,2, Stage 2 Silver 3,4, Stage 2 Bronze 5,6.
The Current Mappings section shows you what has already been created and if you have made a mistake the option to Delete Mapping.
You would normally configure all the Flight-Stage Mappings before any racing begins as they wouldn't normally change during an event, this saves you needing to complete this step whilst moving between stages. As you create each Mapping the displayed Schedule screens will update and replace the flight name from the Template file with your Flight name.
Until you generate races for the stage it is possible to adjust the mappings.