Stage Team-Schedule Template Mappings

Stage Team-Schedule Template Mappings

Before races are created for a Stage/Group you need to Map (link) the Teams to the Template. This allows you to control the initial position of Teams within the template.
This must be completed for every Stage/Group before attempting to generate races.
The Teams available are controlled by the Event Entry List, if Teams are not appearing this is due to them not having an Entry to this Event.
The Mappings can be adjusted until Races are generated but then can't be changed unless races are deleted.

From the Stage Admin page, find the Stage/Group you wish to complete the mappings for and choose Add Team-Schedule Template Mappings

If you have no preference the order in which Teams are inserted into the template then in the Randomly Map Remaining Teams section choose Map Teams
If you wish to specify teams then in the Add Individual Mapping section choose a Template Team and an Entered Team and click Submit

The Current Mappings section shows you what has already been created and if you have made a mistake the option to Delete Mapping.

There is no need to complete all the mappings at once, this allows you to add Entered Teams into their respective Stage Groups before the previous Stage concludes when you can predict where you wish to place them for the following stage.

As each Mapping is completed the Schedule views will replace the name of the Template Team with the mapped Entered Team name, this way sailors are able to see a draft version of upcoming stage schedules.

Until you generate races for the stage it is possible to adjust the mappings.
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