Delete all races in a Stage
It is only possible to Delete all races in a Stage under the following circumstances: - You have just run Bulk create all races in stage and completed no other actions - The status of a Race in the Stage/Group has never changed from Scheduled - No ...
Create Races for Stage
To create all the Races for a Stage (or Stage Group), you must first have completed your Team-Schedule Template Mappings and Flight-Schedule Template Mappings. From the Stage Admin page Choose Bulk create all races in stage The page will then show ...
Stage Flight-Schedule Template Mappings
Before races are created for a Stage/Group you need to Map (link) the Flights to the Template. This allows you to control how the actual flights are applied to the template. This must be completed for every Stage/Group before attempting to generate ...
Stage Team-Schedule Template Mappings
Before races are created for a Stage/Group you need to Map (link) the Teams to the Template. This allows you to control the initial position of Teams within the template. This must be completed for every Stage/Group before attempting to generate ...
Create or Update a Stage
To work with Stages within your event, open the Stage Admin screen from the Event Menu To Create a New Stage in the top left of the page choose Create New Stage To Edit a Stage, find the Stage you wish to adjust and choose Update Stage Detail The ...
Edit Entry
Edit Entry is found on the Menu to the of the team listed on the Entries tab at the bottom of the Event Landing/Home Page Team - The team name. This is currently controlled by the kSail team, however soon it will be set during the Entry process. ...
Event Configuration & Landing/Home Page
The settings for an event can be found in Event Menu -> Edit Event The settings are grouped into 2 sections - Event Info which has the main event controls and Event Styles which allows for customisation of the Landing/Home page Event Info The first ...
Managing the Noticeboard
If an event has the Noticeboard feature, this will be displayed on the Event Homepage Noticeboards are split into 3 tabs as follows: - Official Noticeboard (ONB) - Other Information (OIB) - Full Document List (only seen by those with the correct ...
Reset Locks
If a user is unable to enter a penalty, result or update a race status and gains an error stating that the race is locked this normally happens where you have multiple users accessing the system working on the same race. The system will automatically ...